01938 555791
01938 555792
Surface Mount Assembly
The introduction of Surface mount technology (SMT) bought with it increasingly small devices and the ability to build PCB's with high component density. Now solidly entrenched in our industry, surface mount components are almost impossible to avoid incorporating into a modern design. The advantages in speed, accuracy and repeatability offered by the technologically advanced machines used to place these parts means complex products built using this technology can be made in both a reliable and affordable manner. Davlec Ltd has had surface mount capability since 2002 and in 2012 our original Surface Mount Machine was replaced with a modern, flexible machine specifically chosen to offer our customers improved capabilities and service.
- 0201 – 40mm2, 0.4mm Pitch QFPs, QFNs, BGAs and Devices up to 18mm in height.
- Flexible Placement Machine chosen specifically to handle jobs of all shapes, sizes and volume
- Manual Pick and Place machine for those rare occasions when automated placement is not suitable
- 6K CPH real usage placement rate
- Existing Surface mount line can be extended to provide both increased throughput, capability as well as up to 240 feeder lanes.